This is no, doubt, one of the happiest days of my life! We just found out that Mickala passed her on-line Algebra class! We have been sweating this for the entire year, now...longer than that if you count the whole story, but suffice it to say that, after giving up many, many Saturdays to study, spending countless hours of frustration as she and I both tried to learn, relearn and remember simple Algebra (and there was very little that was simple for this 1973 high school graduate I might add) the good news was finally posted this afternoon. Hooray! Hooray! A thousand times over...Hooray! We can now safely send out the graduation announcements!
On another note. This has been a learning experience for me in more ways than one. In high school, I was at the top of my class (even in algebra!) But, as I have aged and the part of my brain that remembers things isn't working as well as it used to, I have experienced what it feels like to genuinely not understand something...at least not without a great deal of work on my part. I think I will be more compasionate in the future. I won't be so quick to judge others as being lazy.
I am grateful, too for the refresher course. In the middle of it, I never wanted to look at another algebra problem again. But, I caught myself telling Mickala yesterday how much easier it was for me to convert the cannery pearl potatoes recipe into a smaller quantity version!
Life is good. And I'm darn proud of that final grade of a "B-" Mickala!