Friday, April 11, 2008


Okay, Aspen, I'm it.

How long have you been together? We will celebrate our 30th anniversary Aug. 1st.

How long did you date? From the first date to the wedding was less than 5 months. To give you an idea of how fast that was...we beat Sasha and Jason by two months! However, to be fair, they did have to wait in line last summer.

How old is he? 50, which, according to Sister Marjorie Pay Hinckley, was " favorite age. It takes about that long to learn to quit competing--to be yourself and settle down to living. It is the age I would like to be through all eternity!"

Who said ‘I love you’ first? (I'm going to borrow my answer from Aspen) "Is it bad that I really have no idea? Honestly, if Mickal were here and I asked him, he'd probably know.

Who is taller? Mike, and, like Jared, it is by quite a lot.

Who is smarter? We are both super intelligent beings! I am good at deductive reasoning, while Mike has a tremendous amount of common sense. Mike can think on his feet, but, if given an hour, I can come up with a more eloquent statement. Mike can find any address he's ever been to, and I can find your missing ancestors. Together, we are amazing!

Who does the laundry? Me. That is the one household chore that Mike hates to do.

Who does the dishes? It is shared between Mike and I, with an occasional contribution from Mickala, the spoiled child.

Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? If you are sitting in bed, Mike is the one on the right. When we stay in a motel, I get the side that is closest to the bathroom.

Who pays the bills? Mike lets me do this. For years, I have joked that if he were in charge, there would be no money to pay bills with, but that ignores the fact that he has a brilliant head for business and managed to run one so well that he could retire when he was 44. So, to be honest, I have always been grateful that he trusts me with the family finances. (However, if he ever wants to take over health insurance, I know without a doubt in my mind that he could do a better job.)

Who mows the lawn? Mike does. He says I don't mow in straight enough lines, (Again, a borrowed answer from Aspen) but I will add the following... I also do not weed-eat properly or sweep and hose down the cement and patio furniture. Nor do I empty the grass clipings, gas-up and put away the weed eater and mower, or roll up the hose when I am finished.

Who cooks dinner? It is generally my responsibility, but Mike helps out a lot and he is the chief BBQer. Mickala has some wonderful specialities that she whips up now and then, and we rely on her to bake cookies on Sunday, which supplements the popcorn that Mike pops.

Who is more stubborn? Does this refer to stubborn-pride or refuse-to-give-up-on-a-good-cause-stubborn? We both have our fair share of each kind and blessed our kids with plenty of those stubborn genes as well.

Who kissed who first? Mike kissed me first, of course.

Who asked who out? The first time I saw Mike was in September, 1977, at a young adult fireside. I had just walked into the Ashley Stake Center chapel and he was up on the stand, waiting to conduct the meeting. He was so handsome! My first thought was, "Now there is someone I could fall in love with." We were both dating someone else at the time (Apparently I wasn't too serious about my boyfriend!), so nothing came of it. After a particularly unsatisfyingValentine's Day date in 1978, I decided to leave Provo behind me and get on with my life. Painfully shy, I forced myself out of my comfort zone and began to flirt with Mike. He asked me out within a week.

Who proposed? It was 1978, for goodness sake! Who do you think?!

Who is more sensitive? Oh my! Mike is a very sensitive guy! But I think that I have a slight edge over him on this one.

Okay, Sasha, you're it. (I know your computer is down, that's why I'm having you check your e-mail the next time you come up here!)


  1. It was fun to read your answers and learna little more about you two! You are so cute!

  2. In reguards to your question, it is a dishwasher! the title of the blog! ;)


  3. HAHA I loved reading about you and Mike! We are so glad that we found your blogger this way we get to keep updated in everyone's busy lives. I hope all is well with you and your family. Take care
