Sunday, June 29, 2008


One of the latest bugs to reach Vernal is a nasty little cold virus that hangs on for days. I had been dodging the bullet, until just before we left to go to St. George, when I was bombarded by contact from at least seven confirmed sources. I convinced myself I was escaping with little more than an occassional runny nose, but it finally arrived in all its glory Saturday morning. NO FUN! Mike's got it, too so we both stayed home from church today. (I don't recall that ever happening in 29-plus years of marriage!)

Right now the only thing I keep thinking about it this silly poem Sasha composed for English class once, titled Sick. The only line I can remember was about her English teacher Mrs. Limb who was so very thin.

I started screeming at Mike a couple of hours ago (in my sleep) to stop puting catsup on the funeral potatoes. He concluded that I was halucinating on too much NyQuil!

Signing off until I'm better!


  1. Okay, here's my suggestion to get you feeling better soon. Catch a plane to sunny California and go to the nearest beach. Play in the waves all day and your cold will disappear within a day or two. When we were at Disneyland Bruce got so sick with a bad cold we decided to skip day three and go to the ocean instead. He nearly drowned, he was covered by so many waves, but he started getting better that very afternoon! Feel better soon!! (Mick too!)

  2. Feel better soon! We had to stay home today, too. Because I can't walk, and Russ had to ?take care of me? !
