Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Park Family Reunion 2008

We finally got our pictures uploaded from the Park Family Reunion held at the 5 Star Ranch July 25-27. I have been to many family reunions in my life and I just have to say that I have never enjoyed myself more than at this one! On behalf of Mike and I, we want to give Rob and Sandee a HUGE Thank-You for a great job of planning and preparing and holding up well under pressure! And another Thank-You to Mom and Dad for their generous donation to the reunion fund so that we could stay at such a fun and fabulous place. I had a wonderful time. I can't think of a favorite activity, but I thoroughly enjoyed the yummy food, the games, the home movies, the golf tournament, and staying up late talking to Babz each night. My only complaint was that it ended too soon! Here are some of the pictures Mike and Mickala took.

What a great reunion! And, in 2010, when it is the Merrell's turn to be in charge, Aspen has already volunteered to have the Merrell cousins take over the planning...I'm assuming that she has talked this over with her siblings, but it sounds like a great idea to me!
P.S. One last Thank-You to Cindy and Annie who found my glasses in the grass on Saturday night. I know they were both concerned that they were ruined, but, when I took them in on Monday morning, the glasses tech put them in a machine for fixing bent glasses and in less than 5 seconds they were as good as new! Yeah!


  1. Yay! I am so glad your glasses were not ruined! I was so worried :( You guys got some good pics! it was fun to see you all :)

  2. It was a great reunion! Lots of fun to see everyone and continue making wonderful memories.
