Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Picture-less Post

On Christmas Day, or at least the day after, my plan was to post pictures and blog about the big event. I knew I was getting a digital camera. I had dropped so many hints! And then, there was the added insurance. On the day after Thanksgiving, I bought a digital camera and told Mike he could give it to me for Christmas if he wanted to. His reaction confirmed my suspicions. No doubt about it. There was a camera under that tree with my name on it.
And, sure enough, my sweetheart came through with my #1 request. A shiny red, hold-in-the-palm-of-your hand Sony digital camera, complete with case, battery pack, computer hook-up cords...the whole package! Well...almost the whole package. There was one tiny little thing that was missing. No memory stick! (Without a memory stick, you can't take pictures!) What kind of camera company would do such a thing! Apparently several, because none of the digital cameras that were opened at the Merrell home on Christmas day (three of them, plus one cam-corder) had memory sticks.
So, I will have to be patient for a few more days. (I have posted before of the benefits of living in a small town. One of the disadvantages is that there are only two main stores in town...not much fun the day after Christmas when they are packed with after-Christmas shoppers.)
I do have the memory stick, now, and will soon begin posting pictures again. Just not tonight!


  1. 1:08 in the stayed up to tell us no pics!!!!!

  2. The camera we gave Mom and Dad included a 4G memory card and I believe it was opened at your house on Christmas morning. :) In fact Dad told me they could take and save 2000 pictures with it--and that they had only taken 17 pictures so far! Thank you so much for showing Dad how to use it!!

  3. Sorry, Babz! I took a wild guess on Dad's camera not having a memory card. (Obviously, it is not me you need to be thanking for showing Dad how to use it...that would be Kristi.)

  4. The camera actually didn't come with a memory had to be purchased Auntie Lin was right about the manufacturer not putting in the memory card.
