Sunday, July 5, 2009

Brooke's blessing

Brooke was blessed today. We drove out to Salt Lake this morning and were able to be there for her special day. Vince gave her one of the most beautiful blessings I have ever heard. Aspen, Kylie, Sadie and Brynlie; Annie and Russ; Sasha and Taylor; Mickala and Will; and Mark and Shara Dawn came from the Merrell side of the family and dozens of the Hadlocks were there as well. We enjoyed a delicious lunch afterwards, at Vince and Meagan's house.

This is Sasha, getting Taylor ready for chuch in the car. They rode out with us. Taylor was a great little travelor. She really doesn't fuss much...just starts this humming noise when she is getting tired.

I feel bad that I didn't getting any close up shots of Brooke in her dress. It was beautiful.

Van and Wendy, with Vince and Meagan and Brooke. We are trying to convince them (Van and Wendy)to move to St. George after Ben graduates...
Vince and Meagan too!

Kylie shimmied up a tree and posed for this picture.

Sadie thought that looked fun, but wasn't quite big enough to climb by herself. I'm not sure who helped her up, but it wasn't me. When I tried, I about split her in half.

I tried getting a picture of Brynlie and Taylor, but Taylor had other things in mind. This reminded me of some pictures Kristi took a year ago, when Brynlie was the one doing the crawling towards the camera.

On the way home, we stopped and visited Grandmother Merrell. We were amazed at how well she is doing! We had such a nice visit and Taylor enjoyed crawling around, exploring her Great-Grandmother's room.

We arrived safely back in Vernal and late tonight, I went online and discovered that Vince and Meagan were in the Deseret News. If I knew how to do the link thing, I would create a link to the article. Maybe Annie can do that for me.


  1. Sounds like a great day! I can't wait to meet Brooke, she looks so cute! Also, I just googled Vince and Meagan's names and found that article from the Desert News. that is so rotten about the pay cuts and everything! Teachers should be paid a lot more than they do!!


    (copy and paste)

    Jordan District really ripped off their teachers. It's horrible that Vince got nothing for all of the extra coursework he did.
