Thursday, August 12, 2010

"The Dress"

Mike's Grandmother Hunting hand-sewed a beautiful dress that his sister Shara Dawn wore when she was about two years old. Since then, the dress has been loaned to each Merrell girl around the time of her second birthday, for a traditional picture.

A few years ago Shara Dawn had a duplicate dress made because the original just wasn't going to last much longer. After Sadie had her picture taken in the new "dress" it was given to me for safe keeping. And I kept it safe! So safe that we couldn't find it when it was time for Brynlie's picture!

I knew I had seen it since we moved to St. Goerge, but I simply could not remember where I had so carefully put it away! Mike and I had searched everywhere! We were beginning to fear that it had been accidentally tossed out with the packing boxes.

But it finally showed up! Mike thought to look in the cedar chest! What better, safer place than that?!

So, even though she is closer to 3 than 2 in these pictures, Brynlie finally got her picture taken in "the dress".

We decided to make a day of it...complete with a trip to the beauty salon for the and nails - fingers and toes!

She was pretty cute, inspecting herself in the mirror and smiling for the camera.

However, there is only so much sitting still that a 2-year-old can take!

On to the toes!

Almost done!

By the time we got her home for the "real" pictures, she was pretty much done. Mike got a couple great dress pictures, but no way was she going to smile! She is an expert at the poker-face!

I think I like the ones we took at the salon about as well!

This is my favorite!

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