Saturday, April 16, 2011

"No Poor In Samoa"

The first month we were in Samoa, I attended a Sunday School class.The lesson centered around the commandment to take care of the poor and needy.
This led to a discussion about the monthly fast offering.As we discussed how the fast offering donations can be distributed by the bishop to take care of the needs of ward members, a comment was made that I will never forget...

"There are no poor in Samoa. Everyone has food and a place to live...So, our fast offerings will be sent to another country for those that need it."

I've never forgotten that comment. There are no poor in Samoa. Just lots of good people who willingly share their plenty with others who have so little.

I love these people!

1 comment:

  1. That brought tears to my eyes! What a wondeful attitude! It's no wonder you love the people there so much!
