Sunday, June 19, 2011

Good-by, Elder and Sister Kelly!

Elder and Sister Kelly were our mission nursing couple.  Sister Kelly was the official nurse and Elder Kelly was a great support and "right arm" to her.  Thursday they completed their mission and returned home.  We had the privilege of driving them to the airport Thursday night.  I did amazingly well, even as a flood of memories washed over me...

They took us on a hike to see the actual grave marker of Robert Louis Stevenson.  That was a memorable hike.  In his mid seventies, Elder Kelly started off on the trail at such a fast pace, I was afraid I would never be able to keep up.  I was relieved when Sister Kelly told him to slow down.  Then, it starteed to pour, so we were all pretty soaked by the time we arrived at the marker...cute picture, anyway!

We went on several other preparation-day excursions during our 9 months together.  Almost always, we were riding in "Henry" the mission vehicle that the four of us shared.  You'll see a picture of Henry in a later post.

We also shared a duplex apartment with them.  They were the best neighbors!  (Have you ever seen how bananas look when first picked?)

This is one of my favorite pictures of Sister Kelly.  She loved to arrange dinners for the senior missionary couples and both of them had a flair for doing things up nice.  This is the "plate" (actually a woven basket made from coconut leaves) her fish and chips were served in at a fun little place called the Bays. 

On St. Patrick's Day.  Elder Kelly jumped into this picture, even though he didn't have any green on! But with a name like Patrick Kelly, who needs the green?!

Here we are, right outside the apartment, with the men in their lava lavas!  I know...pretty blinding to look at! I'm going to miss these two.  They have become eternal friends.  The best kind. 
Tofa, mai feleni!

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