Robert Louis Stevenson lived in Samoa many years. He loved the island and had a huge mansion built where he and his family lived. The climate offered welcome relief for his unhealthy lungs and the views from his home were spectacular. He died and was buried here. Several generous businessmen (mostly American, I believe) have made it a part of their life work, to restore the mansion. It has become one of Samoa's most popular tourist attractions.
This is the drive onto the peaceful, serene and beautiful.
And this is the mansion. It is unlike any other home on the island. Definitely palongi.As we arrived, we were each given a colorful ulu to wear. (I think that is what they are's a lei)
The tables were elegant and look at the pillars. They are decorated with fresh
coconut leaves that are braided around each pole.
coconut leaves that are braided around each pole.
Here is President and Sister Leota, getting their picture taken with Miss Samoa. You can bet that the Assistants were jealous.
Two days later, the senior missionaries were treated to a private tour of the mansion. This is the front room. The Merrells would call it the home teachers' room. The walls are covered in tapa cloth and decorated with pictures of the Stevenson family. It is the only home in Samoa with two chimneys...that have never been used.
This is the library, and the room where he dictated his books.
This is the view from the second floor.
This is the front of the house.
And this... well the story behind this piece of artwork is very interesting. It seems that anciently, the chief over all the island would have a yearly celebration and one of the finest young men would be the guest on to speak. He was the main course. (yes, as in entre') Well, one year, the son of the chief happened to be there when the unlucky young man was chosen. He told them to take him instead and he was carefully wrapped in large leaves and presented before the chief. When they unwrapped him, the chief was astonished. The son (who fortunately had not been taken to the umu yet) was ordered released and this tradition ended. Interesting.
You guys look so great.... Miss ya tonz.... love the great work you're doing.... Love to each of you:)