Saturday, November 12, 2011

Elder Pearson's Visit

I have a confession to make. 

There have been times (many times) on my mission when I have felt more like a secretary than a missionary. 
I am a secretary.  And a missionary.

Sometimes, my mission has been more about paper work and phone calls than about teaching and testifying.
That bothers me...a lot.

So, when Elder Pearson, of the Pacific Area Presidency came for a visit, I felt like he was speaking directly to me when he offered the following counsel...

  • Don't let work get in the way of ministering.
  • Pray for opportunities to be the answer to someone's prayer.
  • If you are not actively searching, you won't find...if you aren't looking you won't see.
It was good counsel for me. 


  1. What mom, nobody wanted to sit next to you?

  2. That was excellent counsel for all of us! It seems that administering often takes more of my time than ministering, too. And if we don't do the administering everything else really does fall apart--kind of like if we don't do the laundry, wash the dishes, etc. But since both are vital, we know we can do them both--although not completely or perfectly!--but that's not what we're asked. ---How fun some of your girls are coming for a visit!! Enjoy every minute!!!

  3. Your dad is sitting next to her, surely that's enough?

    That is definitely some great counsel for us all... I know I need to work on listening to the Spirit; I've been prompted in the past to do things that I don't know if they were precisely answers to someone's prayers, but I sure felt good when I did them.
