Friday, December 30, 2011

Ward Christmas Social 2011!

I posted this earlier with captions.  Took me a long time, too.  But something happened and the captions did not end up on the final post.  (As I recall now, I had to exit out of things twice, and I dutifully saved things each time, which probably explains where the captions went.  That Murphey's Law thing is still going on with me and computers.)   I have pouted long enough...time to move on.
These are some pictures of our ward Christmas dance.  One of the things that has intrigued us is the way everyone dances with everyone else.  It doesn't matter who is married to who, whose child or parent you belong to, or whether you are young, old, male or female.  These people simply love to dance!

Not a single one of these couples is married to their dance partner! 

This is Brother Kaio (we called him Cowboy Boots until we could remember his name) dancing with Sister Joseph's mother.  She is active in another church, but she is very supportive of her daughter and bishop-son-in-law.  We love her a lot.  She is often the life of the party.

Some cute little kids dancing.  Mike says he didn't notice the little boy when he was filming or he would have included him a little more.  That little guy had great rhythm!

Interspersed among the dancing are quick talent performances. 

Don't you just love these fans! 
And here's a story that shows you the culture of the Samoan people.   In this footage, you will see a stroller with a child sleeping in it.  The stroller actually belongs to the mother who is holding her child in her lap, struggling to help him get comfortable.  Shortly after she arrived, she took her child out of the stroller to let him down for a minute.  Within a few minutes, the stroller was "loaned" to the first woman (who, is not the child's mother, but his aunt) by another woman.   They don't hoard stuff here.  If something is not being used, it's open season for someone who needs it. 

I think Brother Burgess was asked to dance every dance.  His wife was content to sit and watch.  (She, by the way, is the aunt in the previous story, so she had a good excuse)

Lots of fun for everyone!

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