Sunday, February 26, 2012

Please bless Ramsi.

 Last December, Annie and Sasha traveld to Samoa for  a visit and they brought Ramsi.  We took her to see the Pine family.

 She got passed around quite and bit and was amazingly cooperative.

 It wasn't until little Palota started screaming that Ramsi decided she'd had enough.

Last week was our last FHE with this family.  Vaelaa gave the closing prayer and she cried clear through it.   I was especially touched by something she said.
 "Please bless Ramsi." 
What a tender moment!


  1. I'm bawling...thanks for sharing this, Mom. How we love these people!

    I was so sad when I realized that I'd be having my first baby while you and Dad were away, but the great experiences and blessings we received because of your service have been priceless. I wouldn't have had it any other way.

    She IS blessed to be so loved.

  2. By the way, I pulled this post up for Ramsi to see. She smiled, SQUEALED, and pointed right at that top photo. :)
