According to my daughter's blog, it's been nine months since I last posted. That's too long for a catch-up post. Way too many things to leave out. Way too many pictures to put a caption to. Not enough time to do a proper job of it. So, I will begin with last week and move forward. That's a much more attainable goal. To begin, I want to share a life lesson from a recent facebook post.
Last week, I posted this picture of Mike and I at the Payson Utah Temple open house. I debated posting it because...well, look at me! After getting 3 hours of sleep the night before and unsuccessfully trying to sleep in the car on the way up, I was a wrinkled mess. Not only that, but the wind was blowing and it was raining outside which wrecked havoc with my uncontrollable hair (which was waiting to be cut by Sasha the minute we got to Vernal the next day). It's an okay picture of Mike; he has always been handsome and can pull off a good look most of the time. And the Payson Temple is truly one of the most gorgeous temples I have ever seen.
So, even though I really did not want to post such an unflattering picture of me, I was brave and did it anyway.
I had so many nice comments, saying things like, "beautiful" "still looking good..." "I like it!" "Oh so cute, luv you". There was a comment from an old college roommate who I hadn't seen in 40 years who said I looked the same. (I loved that one!) Perhaps my favorite comment was the one that said, "This photo just makes me happy."
The "likes" kept coming in for days. I was so surprised. It made me feel so good. I learned a couple of lessons from the experience.
First, with a good looking man by your side, and a temple as your backdrop, you really can't go wrong.
Second, going out of your comfort zone takes courage, but it is worth it.
Linda, I loved this post! When I first looked at the picture my thought was, "Look how nice Linda looks! She is wearing a sweater and a skirt and everything fits so nicely, unlike the last picture I just saw of myself!" I had a similar experience as you when Michael was chosen prom royalty. He wanted me to take a picture of him and post it that night on FB (haha!) Well, the one he liked the best had all this mess of stuff in the background and I thought "I can't post that!It's such a mess!" But it looked good of him, and I finally told myself, I will just have to go outside my comfort zone and post it anyway. It received almost 100 likes and not one person mentioned the mess in the background. I still cringe when I look at the picture, but then I focus on how happy Michael looks and I decide it's alright. Thanks for sharing! It really is a beautiful picture.