Thursday, March 24, 2016

More Excerpts from Mom's Book

I love Mom because many of my friends have become her friends as well. When she found out that our friend Ken would be receiving his Silver Beaver award on the same evening Rob would receive his, she and Dad made it a point to find him that night, congratulate him and give him a gift. --Linda

A very sweet memory I have of Grandma is when she and Grandpa helped us move into our apartment in Las Vegas. Grandma felt bad that she couldn't help lift any of the boxes - but she ended up being a wonderful help! The whole time, Grandma pushed Lydia around in her stroller. She kept her happy by showing her flowers and animals and talking to her. It was so fun for me to watch, and Grandma got great joy out of it as well.  --Jamie

I remember when I was in first grade, I took Grandma with me to school. She was my "show and tell." I told all of the kids that my Grandma used to be a school teacher. After Grandma left, one of the kids that sat at my table said, "I never knew that teachers could be so nice." I said, "Yes, and she's my Grandma."--Nate

One special memory I have of Mom Park is when they came for Jake's high school graduation. Russ Saxton's oldest son had died in a boating accident that weekend. I remember the urgency Mom and Dad felt to go to Russ's home and give comfort to their dear friend. I will never forget when Russ saw them standing at his door, he ran and hugged them and through his tears said, “I knew you would come, I knew you would come.” --Sandee

One of my most treasured memories of Mom is of when you came and stayed when Michael was born. Since I had to be on bedrest before and after his birth I don't know what we would have done without you! I do know that taking care of so many children's needs, as well as Bruce and me, while in your sixties couldn't have been easy, yet when I picture you during that time I only remember you smiling! You never seemed to lose patience, or get tired of us, and when you left, we all wished you could have stayed. --Babz 

As we've gotten older, several of us cousins have ended up in the northern Utah area. Unfortunately, we've struggled to ever meet and do things together as a family. This summer,  (2007) Grandma and Grandpa helped change that. They told us an evening they would be in SLC and asked if we could all get together for dinner.  In total, sixteen of us were able to make it.  (Good thing Grandpa and Grandma picked up the check!)  Grandma was concerned because she wished they would have had a large round table in the restaurant so we could all talk with each other, but we made up for it in the parking lot afterwards.  We spent at least an hour talking and catching up on each others' lives.  --Vince, Meagan, Aspen,  Kylie and Sadie

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