Thursday, March 24, 2016

What would mom want me to say?

I really struggled trying to write a talk to give at mom's funeral. When it's your mom, it has to be better than just okay and I wasn't even getting close to that.  The words just weren't coming, no matter how many hours I spent trying to coax them out. To add to my frustration, the cough I'd had for five weeks was not going away.  

After falling in bed exhausted and sleeping soundly for nearly ten hours, I woke with the sudden thought, "What would mom want me to say?" I jumped out of bed and began typing as fast as I could.  

I think mom would hope that we knew how very much she loved each one of us.

I think mom would want us to remember how much she loved nature- birds, animals, insects, flowers, and I think she would want us to love them too.

I think it would make mom happy if you thought of her once in awhile when you listened to Country Western music. 

I think mom would want us to know that it’s okay to take the time to do and to look your best. In a world where we try to do the least amount of work to get the job done the quickest, mom understood the importance of taking a few more minutes to do and look her best.

I think mom would want us to take care of dad.

Most of all, I think mom would want us to do whatever it takes to keep our family together forever. That has always been her goal... and mine!

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