Saturday, April 20, 2013

Vernal visitors: Carr and Holfeltz families

Jason and Sasha came to visit us in March, to escape the frozen tundra up north in Vernal.  TJ couldn't come because he had school, but the Holfeltz family came down with them.  It was fun to visit, and to let new people try out the slide.  (I thought we had pictures, but I can't find any. But, take my word on it...those kids enjoyed that slide!)
We also made it to the first weekend for the Tuacahn market, and had to take pictures of the upcoming attractions.  Jason has his head in the clouds.

 Here's Melissa and Will.  I don't know what was going on with the guys.  They couldn't quite figure out those head holes.
Mike figured it out, but I'm looking a little loopy...
Leave it to the kids to show us how it should be done!
I think Sasha looks especially gorgeous in this picture. 

We also visited the temple grounds and visitors' center.  What's with our pregnant mama being the one to climb all those stairs?!

 Jason and Tayor had more fun at the bottom.
 Looks like a pretty serious conversation going on here.
We had the South girls with us one night and they all crowded around the table for a picture. 
It was a fun little visit. 

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